Alphabetical Archive and Index
This page contains full, alphabetically-ordered lists of the site's content. It is split into sections for pages, articles, news and blog posts, images and web links. Over time I expect this page to become very large. If you are looking for a particular subject, then the search box in the navigation bar will probably be more helpful.
Alphabetical Index of Products
- 37-piece deluxe game
- Basic 25-piece Hnefatafl Game
- Basic 37-piece Hnefatafl Game
- Brandub from Cyningstan
- Classic 13-piece Hnefatafl Game
- Classic 25-piece Hnefatafl Game
- Compact 25-piece Hnefatafl Game
- Compact 37-piece Hnefatafl Game
- Deluxe 13-piece Hnefatafl Game
- Deluxe 25-piece Hnefatafl Game
- Hnefatafl from Gothic Green Oak
- Hnefatafl from RomBol
- An Introduction to Hnefatafl (old edition)
- Test Item
- The Viking Game
Alphabetical Index of Pages
- Alea Evangelii
- Alea Evangelii Latin Text
- Alea Evangelii Text
- Alphabetical Archive and Index
- Archaeological Finds
- Bibliography
- Board Layout Gallery
- Books on Hnefatafl by Damian Walker
- A Book of Historic Board Games
- Brandub
- Capturing the Enemy
- Copenhagen Hnefatafl Rules
- Defending the King and Aiding His Escape
- Ealdfaeder Taefl Rules
- Fetlar Hnefatafl
- Forming a Strategic Plan
- Forthcoming Events
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Gaining the Victory
- Game Notation
- Gaming Pieces from Gunnarshaug
- General Strategy for the Attackers
- A Glossary of Hnefatafl Terms
- The Growth and Spread of Hnefatafl
- The History of Hnefatafl
- Historical Boards and Pieces
- Historical Gallery
- The Hnefatafl Revival
- The Hnefatafl Board
- The Hnefatafl Shop
- Hnefatafl - the Blog
- Hnefatafl by Cyningstan (Gallery)
- Hnefatafl Matches
- Hnefatafl Puzzles
- Hnefatafl Today
- Hnefatafl Variants
- Hnefatafl's Mysterious Origins
- Hnefatafl: a Game in Decline
- Hnefatafl: the Game of the Vikings
- Hull Hnefatafl Tournament 2017
- Imperial Contest
- Imperial Contest: Jaques' Original Rules
- Inspired by Hnefatafl
- Inspired by Hnefatafl Blog Series
- An Introduction to Hnefatafl
- Jumping Frog Toys Review
- Latest Comments
- Latest News
- Links
- Literary Sources
- Modern Innovations
- Moving the Pieces
- Newsletters by E-mail
- On-line Play Links
- Other Board Layouts
- Play Hnefatafl Here
- Print-and-play Downloads
- Reconstructing Hnefatafl
- Rules for Ludus Latrunculorum
- Rules Leaflets
- A Rule Book for Hnefatafl
- Sea Battle Tafl
- Shannon Games Review
- Short-term Tactics for Both Sides
- Single-step Hnefatafl Games
- Social Media
- Tablut
- Tablut in Linnaeus' Original Latin
- Tablut: the First English Translation
- Tawlbwrdd
- Tawlbwrdd According to Robert ap Ifan
- Terms & Conditions
- Thank you for your order!
- Twelve Hnefatafl Games for your Mobile Phone
- The Viking Game Reviewed
- York Hnefatafl
- Your Shopping Basket
Alphabetical Index of Posts
- The 1811 Translation: by Smith or Troilius?
- An Advanced Strategy Guide for Hnefatafl?
- AI Tournament 2016: Hnefatafl Meets Robot Wars!
- An Annotated Brandubh Match
- An Annotated Tablut Game
- Announcement for the 2016 World Tafl Federation Tournament
- Another 25-piece Hnefatafl Game in the Shop
- Another New Product: the Compact 25-piece Hnefatafl Game
- Another Tournament for New Players
- Ard Ri: Historic or Modern?
- Balance in Hnefatafl
- Best Wishes for Christmas 2014
- Biggest Hnefatafl Goes on Trial
- Board and Table Games from Many Civilizations
- Board Games Round the World
- Brain Games, by David Pritchard
- Breakthru: a Game Inspired by Hnefatafl
- Celtic Royal Chess: a Game Inspired by Hnefatafl
- Changing Opinions on Tablut
- The Characteristics of Brandub
- Comments Moved
- Comments to be trialled on-site
- Copenhagen Leaflet Available
- Countdown to Christmas
- Cthulhu Hnefatafl Game Passes 50% Funding
- Cthulhu vs The Vikings Comes to Facebook
- Cthulhu vs. the Vikings - released for Android
- Cthulhu vs. The Vikings Goes Live
- Cthulhu vs. The Vikings Hits Funding Target
- Dardell Games Hnefatafl
- Defenders: are they just a nuisance?
- Deluxe 13-piece Hnefatafl Game now on sale
- An Enemy in Your Midst, and What to Do About It
- English National Championship: the Final Match
- English National Hnefatafl Championships
- Expanding the Shop: New Products in the Near Future
- Experimental Scottish Game on Trial
- The Family Book of Games
- FAQ Added to the Web Site
- Fetlar Tournament Returns!
- Fithcheall and Gwyddbwyll: Hnefatafl or Not?
- Forthcoming Tournament: the Hnefatafl Triathlon
- Four Schools of Hnefatafl
- Further Updates to the Applet
- Get Hnefatafl Newsletters by E-mail!
- Grandmaster Peter Kelly Passes Away
- The Hammer and the Anvil
- Happy New Year! And a Review of 2014
- A History of Board-Games Other Than Chess
- Historic Board Markings, Part 1
- Historic Board Markings, Part 2
- Historic Board Markings, Part 3
- Historic Hnefatafl Pieces, Part 1
- Historic Hnefatafl Pieces, Part 2
- Historic Hnefatafl Pieces, Part 3
- Historic Hnefatafl Pieces, Part 4
- History Pages Updated
- A Hnefatafl Match with Commentary
- A Hnefatafl Board from Oslo
- The Hnefatafl Shop on LinkedIn
- The Hnefatafl Shop is open!
- Hnefatafl and Fox & Geese
- Hnefatafl Applet Re-enabled
- Hnefatafl Article at National Library of Wales
- Hnefatafl as a Family Tree
- Hnefatafl at Ealdfaeder
- Hnefatafl at Hull Arts Festival
- Hnefatafl by York Archaeological Trust
- Hnefatafl Demonstration Match at Berlin Chess Gala
- Hnefatafl Discussion at Board Games Colloquium
- Hnefatafl Features in German Weekly Magazine
- Hnefatafl Features in Village Arts Workshop
- Hnefatafl Features on Bulgarian Television
- Hnefatafl Games On Sale
- Hnefatafl Goes Large
- Hnefatafl in Norwegian Tabloid
- Hnefatafl in Spanish
- Hnefatafl on an Old Computer
- Hnefatafl on Twitter and Facebook
- Hnefatafl Out in the Open: a Game without Castles, Thrones or Burghs
- Hnefatafl Promoted Among Norway's Chess Enthusiasts
- Hnefatafl to be Featured on Countryfile
- Hnefatafl Tournament All Set to Go
- Hnefatafl Tournament Gets City of Culture Listing
- Hnefatafl Tournament in Tromsø
- Hnefatafl Tournament Planned for Hull in 2017
- Hnefatafl Tournaments Next Month
- Hnefatafl Web Site Update
- Hnefatafl World Quick-play Championship 2013
- Hnefatafl: Authenticity and Good Game Design
- Hnefatafl: the Big Sensation at International Ladies Tournament, Berlin
- Hnefatafl: Younger than Chess?
- How to Pronounce "Hnefatafl"
- Hull 2017 Matches All On-line
- Hull's First Hnefatafl Tournament Has a Winner!
- Image Gallery Added to Site
- In Praise of Brandub
- In Praise of Sea Battle Tafl
- In Praise of Tablut
- In the Enemy Camp
- Interesting Sea-battle Tournament Concludes
- Interview with Silje Bjerke
- Introducing the Compact Range of Hnefatafl Games
- King's Table - the Legend of Ragnarok
- Laser Engraver on the Way!
- Last Chance to Join Tablut Tournament
- Last Days for International Christmas Orders
- Last Few Booklets Back on Sale
- Last Postage Dates for Christmas
- Leaflet for Hull Hnefatafl Tournament
- The Length of a Hnefatafl Game
- Magpie - Play-testing and Corrections
- Making A Better Use of LinkedIn
- Making Board, Peg & Dice Games (Review)
- The Making of a Hnefatafl Game - One Year On
- The Making of a Hnefatafl Game
- Modern Innovations: Altered Ratios
- Modern Innovations: Berserkers and Elite Guards
- Modern Innovations: Hostile Base Camps
- Modern Innovations: the Shield Wall Capture
- Modern Innovations: the Weaponless King
- More Information on the Knockanboy Board
- The Mystery of Amber
- New Academic Paper Looks at Board Games in Ship Burials
- New Archaeological Research Provides Evidence for Female Warriors - and Hnefatafl Players!
- New Ard-Ri Variant on Test at Dragonheel's Lair
- New Board Game Book Features Tablut
- New Date for English National Hnefatafl Championship
- New Hand-made Brandub Game Available from Cyningstan
- New Hnefatafl Game for Android
- New Hnefatafl Game for the New Year
- New Hnefatafl Games at On-line Play Site
- New in the Shop: Standard 25-piece Hnefatafl Game
- New Introductory Book on Hnefatafl
- New Leaflet for Ealdfaeder Taefl
- New Product: Basic 37-piece Hnefatafl Game
- New Product: Deluxe 25-piece Hnefatafl Game
- New Quick Game Feature for On-line Players
- New Site for Hnefatafl
- New Site for On-line Hnefatafl Play
- New Support for Tablut Concensus
- New-look Leaflets Available for Download
- Newly published: Reconstructing Hnefatafl
- A New Hnefatafl Programming Project
- A new game for February: the Standard 13-piece Hnefatafl Game
- A New Proposal for Scottish Hnefatafl
- Northwest England Tournament Results
- Not A Game of Thrones?
- On Constructing Hnefatafl Puzzles
- On-line Hnefatafl Tournament Under Way
- On-line World Tournament About to Start
- Openings in Brandub
- The Oxford History of Board Games
- A Page full of Hnefatafl Variants
- Papillon's Escape
- Play Tafl Online: a New Site for On-line Play
- Price Reductions on Brandub Games
- Print and Play in Colour!
- Print-and-play games now available
- Reconstructing Alea Evangelii
- Reconstructing Hnefatafl now available on Amazon
- Reconstructing Hnefatafl: now available in paperback
- Reconstructing the Scottish Game
- Regional Tournament for North-west England
- Results of the English National Hnefatafl Championship
- RomBol Hnefatafl - Another Set Available from The Hnefatafl Shop
- Single-step Hnefatafl Leaflet Available
- Some Attention for the Coppergate Board
- Some Interesting Information on an Old Gaming Board
- Some new boxes, and a Quandary
- Some Pieces from Norway
- Some Puzzling Gaming Pieces from Warrington
- Standardising Hnefatafl?
- Subway: a Game Inspired by Hnefatafl
- Sutton Hoo Championship in its Third Year
- Tackling Central Draw Forts
- Tafl from Legend Board Games
- Tafl, by Jesse Robinson
- Teaching a Computer to Play Hnefatafl
- Theming and Scheming for Hnefatafl
- Thoughts on Elite Guards
- Thoughts on the King's Defensive Strength
- Thud! a Game Inspired by Hnefatafl
- Time to Start Blogging
- Tournament: How to Reserve your Place
- Tower Defence: a Tactic in Hnefatafl
- Tromsø Hnefatafl Tournament Date Confirmed
- Twelve Hnefatafl Games for Your Mobile Phone: Ard Ri Tactics
- Twelve Hnefatafl Games for Your Mobile Phone: Hnefatafl 3D
- Twelve Hnefatafl Games for Your Mobile Phone: Hnefatafl by DKIT
- Twelve Hnefatafl Games for Your Mobile Phone: Hnefatafl by Philippe Schober
- Twelve Hnefatafl Games for Your Mobile Phone: Hnefatafl: Norse Warfare
- Twelve Hnefatafl Games for Your Mobile Phone: King's Table Online
- Twelve Hnefatafl Games for Your Mobile Phone: Tablut Free
- Twelve Hnefatafl Games for Your Mobile Phone: Tafl by Jocly
- Twelve Hnefatafl Games for Your Mobile Phone: Tavlei by Sergey Surkov
- Twelve Hnefatafl Games for Your Mobile Phone: Tavlei for Android
- Twelve Hnefatafl Games for Your Mobile Phone: Viking Chess by Capt Studios
- Twelve Hnefatafl Games for Your Mobile Phone: Viking Chess by Justin Schneider
- An update on the Scottish Game
- Update: Playing Hnefatafl on this Site
- An upgrade to the hnefatafl applet
- Viking Day in Formby
- Viking Game a Hit at Local Arts Festival
- The Viking Game Now Available Here
- The Viking Game is Back in Stock
- Why Can't I Play Your On-line Game Any More?
- The World of Games
Alphabetical Index of Downloads
- Alea Evangelii Leaflet
- Alea Evangelii Print-and-play
- Brandub Leaflet
- Brandub Print-and-Play
- Brandub Print-and-play (Black & White)
- Copenhagen Hnefatafl Leaflet
- Copenhagen Hnefatafl Print-and-play
- Coppergate Print-and-play
- Ealdfaeder Print-and-play
- Ealdfaeder Taefl Leaflet
- Fetlar Hnefatafl Leaflet
- Fetlar Print-and-play
- Hnefatafl Family Tree
- Hull Hnefatafl Tournament 2017 Leaflet
- Imperial Contest Leaflet
- Magpie Leaflet
- Magpie Print-and-play
- Santa Claus & the Gang of Naughty Children
- Sea Battle Print-and-play (black & white)
- Sea Battle Tafl Leaflet
- Sea Battle Tafl Print-and-play
- Single-step Hnefatafl Leaflet
- Sjakk, 11 December 2013
- Tablut Leaflet
- Tablut Print-and-play
- Tablut Print-and-play (black & white)
- Tawlbwrdd Leaflet
- Tawlbwrdd Print-and-play
- Wikingerschlacht in Miniatur
- York Hnefatafl Leaflet
- York Hnefatafl Print-and-play
Alphabetical Index of Images
- A 13x13 hnefatafl board made in 2013
- A 15x15 Hnefatafl Game at
- The A3 Laser Engraver
- Albermarle Music Centre: Venue for an alternative event on the day of the Hull Hnefatafl Tournament
- Alea evangelii leaflet cover
- Alternative layout for alea evangelii.
- Alternative layout for the 9x9 board.
- Alty (K) vs. Lonsdale (S), Hull, 2017
- Alty (N) vs. Downie, Hull, 2017
- Alty (N) vs. Lonsdale (D), Hull, 2017
- Alty vs. Lonsdale 2017 (semi final), final position
- Amber gaming pieces from Skamby
- An annotated 9x9 hnefatafl board.
- The applet playing the Fetlar variant.
- The applet playing tablut.
- Approximation of the pronunciation of hnefatafl.
- Ard Ri Tactics for Android
- Ard-Ri Board Layout
- Article from Schleswig Holstein Am Sonntag
- The attackers' starting positions in a tablut game.
- The attackers are closing in.
- Basic 25-piece Hnefatafl applet
- Basic 25-piece Hnefatafl Game
- Basic 25-piece Hnefatafl Game, and other things.
- Basic 25-piece Hnefatafl Game, ready to store away
- Basic 37-piece Hnefatafl applet
- Basic 37-piece Hnefatafl Game and other pleasures...
- Basic 37-piece Hnefatafl Game in play, close-up.
- Basic 37-piece Hnefatafl Game set out for play.
- Basic 37-piece hnefatafl game, ready to store.
- The battle animation when capturing a piece in Ragnarok
- Bell's layout for tawlbwrdd
- Birka grave 581, in which the warrior appears to be cradling her hnefatafl set.
- Bjerke vs. Koppe match, 2013.
- The blockade is complete.
- Board game on the Ockelbo picture stone
- Board Games Collection Free: Tablut on Android
- The board layout for Subway.
- The bone gaming piece from Woodperry, England
- Bone pieces from Bjorko grave 624.
- A Book of Historic Board Games: front cover
- Botermans: The World of Games
- Both sides of the gaming board from Gokstad
- The box for The Viking Game
- Brandub assembled and ready to play (mockup)
- Brandub by Cyningstan, a close-up of the board and pieces
- Brandub by Cyningstan, with a game in progress
- Brandub from Cyningstan, boxed.
- Brandub from Cyningstan, set out for a game of Magpie
- Brandub from Cyningstan, set out for play.
- Brandub from Cyningstan, with an alternative starting layout
- Brandub leaflet cover
- Brandub, by Cyningstan
- Brandub, by Cyningstan
- Brandub, summer colours.
- Brandub, winter colours.
- Brandubh by Floyd and O'Flaherty
- Brandubh match, July 2015.
- Breakthru, by 3M.
- Bullen vs. Jennings 2014.
- Capturing three pieces at once.
- Celtic Royal Chess starting layout.
- Chess clock - useful for hnefatafl too!
- Chess, the game that eclipsed hnefatafl in mediaeval times.
- Classic 13-piece Hnefatafl Game
- Classic 13-piece Hnefatafl Game and other pleasures
- Classic 13-piece Hnefatafl Game applet
- Classic 13-piece Hnefatafl Game in play
- Classic 13-piece Hnefatafl Game seen close up
- Classic 25-piece Hnefatafl Game
- Classic 25-piece Hnefatafl Game and other pleasures
- Classic 25-piece Hnefatafl Game applet
- Classic 25-piece Hnefatafl Game getting ready for play
- Classic 25-piece Hnefatafl Game in play
- Classic 25-piece Hnefatafl Game ready to store
- A close-up view of the Deluxe 13-piece Hnefatafl Game
- Close-up of 25-piece Hnefatafl Game, set out for play.
- Close-up of Basic 25-piece Hnefatafl Game in play
- Close-up of the RomBol hnefatafl set in play
- Compact 11x11 board, with reversed pieces.
- Compact 25-piece Hnefatafl Game
- Compact 25-piece Hnefatafl Game close-up
- Compact 25-piece Hnefatafl Game set up for Papillon or Ealdfaeder taefl
- Compact 25-piece Hnefatafl game set up for tablut
- Compact 25-piece Hnefatafl Game, and other things
- Compact 25-piece Hnefatafl Game, close-up of the king and defenders
- Compact 25-piece Hnefatafl Game, with game in progress
- Compact 37-piece Hnefatafl Game
- Compact 37-piece Hnefatafl Game set out for Fetlar hnefatafl
- Compact 37-piece Hnefatafl Game with A. Nielsen's layout
- Compact 37-piece Hnefatafl Game with R. C. Bell's layout
- Compact 37-piece Hnefatafl Game, and other pleasures.
- Compact 37-piece Hnefatafl Game, close-up
- Compact 37-piece Hnefatafl Game, with F. R. Lewis' layout
- Compact 37-piece Hnefatafl Game, with game in progress
- Compact 37-piece Hnefatafl Game, with pieces set out for tawlbwrdd
- Compact 37-piece Hnefatafl Game: the King and his forces.
- Components of the Deluxe 9x9 game.
- Copenhagen Hnefatafl at Aage Nielsen's Web Site
- Copenhagen hnefatafl front page
- Copenhagen Hnefatafl Print-and-play
- Coppergate print-and-play board
- Countryfile BBC promotion picture
- Cover of A History of Board-Games Other Than Chess
- Cover of Board and Table Games
- Cover of Board Games Round the World
- Cover of Brain Games
- Cover of Making Board, Peg & Dice Games
- Cover of Reconstructing Hnefatafl
- Cover of Tafl, by Jesse Robinson
- Cover, the Family Book of Games
- Crust vs. Schachus, Feb 2015
- Cthulhu vs. The Vikings android app
- Cyningstan's first brandub game, 2007.
- Damian Walker plays hnefatafl with a visitor
- Damian Walker's go board is being abused for the alea evangelii trial.
- Dardell Hnefatafl set up for play.
- Dardell Hnefatafl set up for Tawlbwrdd.
- Dardell Hnefatafl: showing off the pieces.
- Dardell Hnefatafl: the open box.
- David Parlett published this layout for the 13x13 board.
- The defenders are starting to take control of the right-hand corners
- Deluxe 13-piece Hnefatafl Game applet
- Deluxe 25-piece Hnefatafl applet
- Deluxe 25-piece Hnefatafl Game
- Deluxe 25-piece Hnefatafl Game (no background)
- Deluxe 25-piece Hnefatafl Game, close-up
- The Deluxe 13-piece Hnefatafl Game, with pieces in the box.
- The Deluxe 13-piece Hnefatafl Game and other pleasures
- The Deluxe 25-piece Hnefatafl Game, ready for play.
- The Deluxe 13-piece Hnefatafl Game
- A diagram of the restored Oslo hnefatafl board.
- Diagram of a brandub board set out for play.
- Diagram of one of the gaming boards from Bergen
- Diagram of the Downpatrick gaming board.
- Diagram of the Dun Chonallaich board, with circles showing the pit markings.
- Diagram of the restored Jarlshof board
- Diagram of the tablut board by Linnaeus
- Diamond-centred 13x13 layout
- Downie vs. Alty 2017 (round 3)
- Drawer knobs as hnefatafl pieces.
- Ealdfaeder print-and-play board image
- Ealdfaeder tafl leaflet front page
- An elaborate layout for the Coppergate board.
- End of Duhawk93 v. Tuireann match, June 2016
- English National Championship 2014 Final Match
- An example of a draw fort in Fetlar hnefatafl.
- Facsimile of the diagram from the Corpus Christi manuscript.
- The Fetlar print-and-play board.
- The first Fetlar championship in 2008.
- Floyd & O'Flaherty's Brandubh, pictured
- Forced move: any other move by white would result in capture of the king
- Fork: one or other of the white pieces will be captured
- Four of the contestants at the Hull Hnefatafl Tournament 2017
- Fox & geese set out for play.
- Front page of hnefatafl leaflet
- Front page of sea battle tafl leaflet
- Front page of the single-step hnefatafl leaflet.
- Front page of the York Hnefatafl leaflet.
- Front page screen shot, 2013
- Fundación Deportes Mentales web site
- Games at Hull International Hanse Day
- The gaming pieces from Warrington in England.
- A game of brandub in progress on the Deluxe 13-piece Hnefatafl Game
- A game of sea battle tafl in progress on the Deluxe board.
- A game in progress at Princes Avenue Festival
- A game in progress (Hull 2017)
- Glass pieces from Birka grave 750.
- Glass pieces from Gunnarshaug
- A hand-painted Cthulhu vs. The Vikings set.
- A Hnefatafl game for the Windows Command Prompt
- A hnefatafl board from Oslo
- The hnefatafl games played in the forthcoming triathlon
- The hnefatafl stall at Princes Avenue Festival
- The hnefatafl board from Trondheim
- Hnefatafl 3D for Android.
- Hnefatafl as played at The Viking Game web site.
- Hnefatafl at Jocly
- Hnefatafl at Tromsø
- Hnefatafl booklet cover and content
- Hnefatafl by DKIT, running on Android
- Hnefatafl by Gothic Green Oak
- Hnefatafl by Gothic Green Oak, and other pleasures
- Hnefatafl by Jumping Frog Toys
- Hnefatafl by Philippe Schober.
- Hnefatafl by Shannon Games
- Hnefatafl event at Sutton Hoo.
- Hnefatafl Exhibit at the Hull & East Riding Museum
- Hnefatafl family tree
- Hnefatafl for Android, by Philippe Schober
- Hnefatafl for Linux, by Alexander Söderlund
- Hnefatafl from the York Archaeological Trust
- Hnefatafl games by Cyningstan
- Hnefatafl on the 15x15 board at
- Hnefatafl on the Oric computer
- Hnefatafl problem 1
- Hnefatafl problem 2
- Hnefatafl problem 3
- Hnefatafl's spread across Europe and beyond
- Hnefatafl, by Gothic Green Oak, close up.
- Hnefatafl, by Gothic Green Oak, in its compact package
- Hnefatafl, by Gothic Green Oak, laid out for tablut.
- Hnefatafl, by Gothic Green Oak, with a game in progress.
- Hnefatafl, by Gothic Green Oak, with alternative starting layout.
- A hopeless position for the defenders in ard ri.
- The Hull & East Riding Museum
- Hull Hnefatafl Tournament 2017 Leaflet Cover
- Hull Shopping: Hepworth Arcade
- Hull's Maritime Museum
- image 1473
- image 1496
- Image from Bulgarian TV report on Hnefatafl
- Imperial Contest diagram
- Imperial Contest leaflet - front page.
- The indicated pieces may move to hold the gaps or break out completely
- Initial layout of tablut and other 9x9 games.
- An Inroduction to Hnefatafl, Second Edition
- The intervening piece has created a fork.
- An Introduction to Hnefatafl (old edition)
- Jocly's Tafl for Android
- The king has just been captured in Scottish Hnefatafl, his attempt to capture the B2 attacker having been ineffective.
- The king could be used as an anvil in this position.
- The king may move up and down indefinitely
- The king from the Baldursheimur set
- King piece from Salme boat burial, and its owner.
- King's Table - the Legend of Ragnarok
- King's Table Online on the iPhone
- The king: on his throne or in his castle?
- Large hnefatafl game by Cyningstan
- Layout for 13x13 boards with 37 pieces, forming a serif cross with gaps.
- Layout for 13x13 boards with 49 pieces, forming a serif cross without gaps.
- Layout often proposed for fithcheall.
- Line drawing of the Ballinderry board.
- Londsale (D) vs. Vinegrad, Hull, 2017
- Lonsdale (S) vs. Downie, Hull, 2017
- Lonsdale v Lonsdale 2017, final position
- Lonsdale vs. Lonsdale 2017 (round 3)
- Magpie at
- Magpie Brandub Layout
- Magpie leaflet front page.
- Magpie print-and-play image.
- A mediaeval-themed market stall.
- Medium hnefatafl game by Cyningstan
- Moving a piece away and back again to capture.
- New (l) and old (r) boxes with 25-piece set, for comparison
- New (l) and old (r) boxes, for comparison
- The new ard ri at Dragonheels' Lair
- New image gallery page
- A new starting configuration for sea battle tafl.
- Nineteen-piece Layout
- No caption
- Norse Warfare on Android.
- Norwegian chess column "Sjakk"
- One of the characters who will challenge you in Ragnarok
- One possible arrangement for tawlbwrdd.
- One possible starting position for Breakthru
- Open boxes new (l) and old (r), for comparison
- The Oslo hnefatafl board with various gaming pieces arranged on it.
- The Oxford History of Board Games cover
- Papillon's Escape
- Part of the Game Display at Hull Hnefatafl Tournament 2017
- Pete Jennings with his English National Hnefatafl Championship trophy
- The pieces from RomBol hnefatafl.
- Pieces from Birka grave 523
- Pieces from Storhaug
- A pile of the new boxes
- Pin: the defender cannot make this inviting capture as it is pinned to the king
- A previous English National Hnefatafl Championship event
- Printable alea evangelii board image
- Printable brandub board image.
- Printable sea-battle board image
- Printable tablut board image
- Printable tawlbwrdd image
- Proposed tawlbwrdd layout by F. R. Lewis
- A reconstruction of a hnefatafl game from Birka in Sweden.
- A reconstruction of the gaming board from Trondheim
- Reconstructed alea evangelii layout (Murray, 1952)
- Reconstructing Hnefatafl hardback and paperback.
- Reconstruction of the Knockanboy board
- Replacement applet: a work in progress.
- A reproduction of tablut
- Reproduction of tawlbwrdd illustration
- Roland signs an autograph.
- Roland vs. Jakobsen match, 2013.
- Roland, Koppe & Gralla at Berlin, 2013.
- RomBol hnefatafl in its box.
- RomBol Hnefatafl set up for a game
- A RomBol hnefatafl game in progress.
- A rough drawing of the board and pieces from Whithorn.
- A safe way to bar all corner exits
- Santa Claus print-and-play game assembled and ready to play (mock-up).
- Scottish Hnefatafl: the end of a game at
- Sea Battle Tafl assembled (mockup).
- Sea battle tafl at
- Segment from one of the Golden Horns of Gallehus
- Serif-cross layout for the 11x11 board
- A serif cross layout on the Coppergate board.
- The shield wall capture.
- Silje Bjerke
- Six contestants in the second round (Hull 2017)
- Small hnefatafl game by Cyningstan
- Small Viking Siege Layout
- Some examples of capturing moves
- Some of the hnefatafl games on display (Hull 2017)
- The special pieces you can choose from in Ragnarok
- A starting layout for ludus latrunculorum.
- The starting positions for a game of Thud.
- Subway board detail.
- Subway cover
- Subway set up for play
- Subway's board and component box.
- Suggested layout for fidchell.
- A tablut game at Play Tafl Online
- A tablut set made in about 2007
- Tablut assembled and ready to play (mockup)
- Tablut at
- Tablut Free for iOS.
- Tablut leaflet cover
- Tablut problem: what's the attackers' best move?
- Tablut, summer colours.
- Tablut, winter colours.
- Tafl from Legend Board Games
- Tavlei for Android
- Tavlei for the iPhone.
- Tawlbwrdd leaflet cover
- Tenth century hnefatafl set from Birka, Sweden
- These games cover four different styles of hnefatafl rule set.
- Three examples of the tower tactic.
- Tournament display board from Formby
- Two new hnefatafl enthusiasts at Princes Avenue Festival
- Two of the boards from Vimose, showing one side of each.
- A typical layout for the 11x11 board
- Unusual Ballinderry Layout
- The usual powers of movement.
- Victory will go to whoever's turn it is here
- Viking Chess mobile app.
- Viking Chess, by Capt Studios
- Viking Siege uses this layout on the 13x13 board.
- The Viking Game
- The Viking Game: a match in progress
- The Viking Game: defenders close-up
- The Viking Game's resin pieces
- The Viking Game ready to play
- Vimose board fragment
- Vinegrad vs. Alty (K), Hull, 2017
- A win for the attackers in tablut.
- A win for the king and defenders.
- York hnefatafl assembled and ready to play (mockup)
- Zillions Brandub Layout
Alphabetical Index of Web Links
- Avaldsnes Project
- BBC History: Vikings
- A Book of Historic Board Games (paperback)
- A Book of Historic Board Games (hardback)
- Celtic Royal Chess
- Cyningstan Traditional Board Games
- Gokstad ship
- Golden Horns of Gallehus
- Hnefatafl - Sten Helmfrid
- Hnefatafl at Dragonheel's Lair
- Hnefatafl on Facebook
- Hnefatafl on
- Hnefatafl on igGameCenter
- Hnefatafl on Jocly
- Hnefatafl on Pinterest
- Hnefatafl on Twitter
- Hnefatafl World Championship
- Hnefatafl: Aage Nielsen
- An Introduction to Hnefatafl (paperback)
- Latest News
- Linnaeus: Lachesis Lapponica
- Ludus Latrunculorum
- Oslo Museum - Gokstad finds
- Play a Game
- Play Tafl Online
- Reconstructing Hnefatafl in Hardback
- Reconstructing Hnefatafl in Paperback
- Reconstructing Hnefatafl the E-book
- Social Media
- Start Tour
- Tablut at
- Tablut at BrainKing
- Tablut at Ludoteka
- Thud! The First Discword Boardgame
- Tim Millar's Tactics
- The Viking Game
- YourTurnMyTurn