On-line World Tournament About to Start
(C) Aage Neilsen
Saturday, 27th August 2016
The World Tafl Federation Tournament 2016 will be starting on 1st September. Players have a few more days to sign up to the tournament, as admissions are closed at the end of August. The tournament takes place on Aage Nielsen's Hnefatafl web site and looks to involve more than twenty players from across the world.
The tournament will be held in two stages, each using a different rule set. This reflects the large number of variants of the game that have existed since historical times. The first round will use the historic Welsh rules of Tawlbwrdd. The second round will use the usual modern Copenhagen rules. Both variants are played with 37 pieces on a board of 11x11 squares.
To join the tournament, visit the web site, log in and sign up.