Hnefatafl: the Game of the Vikings

Hnefatafl in Norwegian Tabloid

Norwegian chess column "Sjakk"
Norwegian chess column "Sjakk"

Friday, 20th December 2013

Our friend in Germany Dr. René Gralla has sent me information about further coverage of hnefatafl in the Norwegian tabloid newspaper VG. I notice that this very web site gets a mention too!

René said: "The chess columnist Simen Agdestein - who is very close to the new World Champion Magnus Carlsen - reports on his first own experiences with Hnefatafl ... and then adds some information on the '8th International Ladies Chess Gala' that was organised by the German daily 'neues deutschland' at Berlin on November 28th, 2013; as part of the program of the event Norway's WIM Silje Bjerke played an exhibition game of Hnefatafl."

See the list of related downloads for a scan of this article from VG, which René kindly sent in.


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