Hnefatafl: the Game of the Vikings

Ealdfaeder Taefl Leaflet

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Ealdfaeder tafl leaflet front page

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This version of hnefatafl was formulated by the Ealdfaeder re-enactment group. Ealdfaeder specialise in 7th-century Anglo-Saxon activities, and they also sponsor the English National Hnefatafl Championships at Sutton Hoo.

The version of hnefatafl they play among themselves uses a 9x9 board, on which the king must reach a marked corner square. The defenders are laid out in the form of a square at the beginning of the game.

Related Product: Deluxe 25-piece Hnefatafl Game


This is the first of the "deluxe" versions of hnefatafl available from The Hnefatafl Shop. This is what a hnefatafl set should look like: simple but elegant, a quality game that invites you to play, and serves to decorate the coffee table or the study when you're too busy to give it the attention it deserves. The board is hand-made from birch plywood, bordered with American walnut veneer. It is coated with a cellulose finish and beeswax polish to ... (read more...)

Price: £34.95+P&P Out of stock. Order:

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This little gem proves that it is possible to fit a quart into a pint pot! Emulating the stylish elegance of the larger Deluxe 25-piece game, the Compact game uses smaller squares and pawns to fir the same playability into a smaller package. Its neat proportions make it a great book shelf ornament, as well as making it easy to carry around with you. The board is made of birch plywood, with a decorative border of American walnut veneer. ... (read more...)

Price: £29.95+P&P Out of stock. Order:

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