Archaeological Finds
This page contains a select catalogue of archaeological finds that are, or have in the past been, attributed to the game of hnefatafl.
The Vimose Board Fragment
The Golden Horns of Gallehus
Glass Pieces from Gunnarshaug
The Gokstad Gaming Board
The Ballinderry Board
Baldursheimur: Set of Walrus Ivory Pieces
An oddity about this set is that twelve of the pieces have red pigment, giving two sides of equal numbers. This may be because the set is incomplete, or because it was used for a game of equal forces (instead of, or as well as, hnefatafl).
Balnakeil: Set of Antler Pieces
A bag of fourteen gaming pieces were found in 1991 in a boy's grave in Balnakeil, Scotland, dated to between A.D. 850 and 900. A fragment of wood was found near the pieces, which could be part of the gaming board, though the state of the fragment was too poor to be sure of this.
The pieces were conical and made of antler, and originally polished. They would have measured about 20mm high and 11mm at the base. They were clustered together in a compact form that suggests they were stored in a pouch, now rotted away. Each had a hole in the base for a bone or metal pin, for use with a pegged gaming board. The set is not considered complete, as more gaming pieces were found scattered on the surface near the burial, which had been exposed by a storm.
Basingstoke: Single Horse-tooth Piece
Murray describes a short, hollow cylinder, made from horses' teeth with the opposite ends closed by disks united with a silver pin, found in Basingstoke, England. The existence of this find has been called into question, however; pieces of horse tooth were not in this form but were high-domed, the grinding surface of the molar tooth forming the base of the piece.
Bawdsey: Single Jet Piece
An oblong piece of jet, found in 1969 at Bawdsey in England. The top is faceted, and each of the four vertical faces is carved with a pattern, as is the base. The piece dates from the middle of the tenth century, and is 4.7 cm (about 1.75") high
Birka 624: Board and Bone Pieces
Birka 886: Set of Bone Pieces
Twenty-five bone or horn hemispherical pieces were found in Birka grave 886 in Sweden. They are lathe-turned, on average 26mm in diameter and 20mm in height. One of the pieces has been burned, and is therefore darker in colour. Another is topped with an iron pin, possibly originally holding a top mount to identify the king. With the pieces there was also found the remains of an iron mounted wooden gaming board. The whole set would have resembled that found in grave 624.
Birka 710: Set of Glass Pieces
Found at Birka in Sweden was a set of eight glass gaming pieces, from grave 710. These are all black with a white spiral pattern; no king nor opposing force survives.
Birka 750: Set of Glass Pieces
Birka 523: Set of Glass Pieces
Birka 644: Set of Glass Pieces
In grave 644 at Birka, Sweden there was a composite set of twenty glass pieces and three dice. The set is assumed to be composite due to the presence of two kings. Both are conical, one with a spherical head decorated with a face. Both kings are damaged, and both probably had spherical heads at one time. Most of of the pieces are decorated with spiral patterns.
Birka 917: Set of Bone Pieces
A set of nine button-shaped pieces was found in grave 917 in Birka, Sweden. Variations in size, shape and colour make it impossible to tell the make-up of this set.
Birka 581: Set of Bone Pieces
Birka 986: Set of Elk Horn Pieces
This is a set of sixteen pieces from the ninth century, found in grave 986 at Birka in Sweden, made of elk horn accompanied by a king. The king has a conical body topped with a round head, his body bearing vertical grooves. Six of the sixteen pieces also bear grooves on their upper conical section.
Birka 524: Set of Amber Pieces
Fifteen amber pieces were found in grave 524 at Birka in Sweden, dating from the ninth century. The king is larger than the others, and bears a pattern of crossed grooves. Of the other pieces, three are red and the other eleven are yellow.
Birsay: Single Bone Piece
A single piece of lathe-turned bone was found at the Brough of Birsay in Scotland, spherical with a flat base and a hole for a peg.
Birsay: Single Antler Piece
A conical piece of antler with a round terminal was found in the Church at the Brough of Birsay in Scotland.
Birsay: Whalebone Board
A fragment of a whalebone gaming board with peg holes was found in the Brough of Birsay in Scotland. What remains is three rows of four holes, with evidence of further rows and holes along the broken edges.
Buckquoy: Three Stone Boards
A flagstone gaming board was found in Buckquoy in Scotland, in 1976. The board is of the graffiti type, with a grid of seven lines by seven. The central intersection is marked with a circle, but the corners are unmarked. A sandstone graffiti gaming board of similar design was also found there.
Another flagstone board found at Buckquoy is lightly incised with the same grid pattern as the others, but other patterns are overlaid on the normal grid. I have identified two groups of patterns. One is a cross formed of two lines, each line bearing rows of circles, a circle around the intersection having a double outline. Another horizontal line bearing similar circles is incised above the horizontal line of the cross just mentioned. The circles look like representations of game pieces, but are not placed squarely on the intersections of the board.
Coppergate, York: Wooden Board
A fragment of a gaming board was found in 1976 in Coppergate, York, England. The board dates from the period AD 950-1025, and consists of three rows of sixteen squares, with evidence of a metal strip along its surviving edge. There is also evidence that a metal strip covered the sixteenth squares, making the playing area fifteen squares wide. Five of these planks would form a 15x15 board. The surviving corners are not marked.
Downpatrick: Stone Board
The board is double-sided. The reverse contains a grid of eight lines by eight, forming a pattern of 49 squares, with a cross marking the central square. A number of the lines on this side are incomplete, giving the impression that this was a failed attempt to create the board.
Drimore: Single Bone Piece
A piece made of bone, with a pointed top, was found at Drimore in Scotland.
Dublin: Two Walrus Ivory Pieces
In Dublin, Ireland, two pieces were found, one unfinished. Both are of walrus ivory, and date from the eleventh century. The finished piece is smooth, and is shaped like a slightly flattened onion, with rounded sides and a conical top, while the rough piece is formed of a cylinder topped by a cone. Both pieces are pierced underneath, perhaps for the insertion of a peg for use with a board like the one found at Ballinderry (see above), which is thought to have been made in Dublin. The pieces are now at the National Museum of Ireland in Dublin.
Dun Chonallaich: Board
Eyrarland: Single Bronze Piece
A bronze king piece, carved as a seated man holding his long beard, was found in Eyrarland, Iceland, and dates from the eleventh century.
Faversham: Single Horse-tooth Piece
A piece was found in Faversham, made of a horse's tooth, similar to the one found in Basingstoke.
Garryduff: Stone Board
A stone graffiti board was found in Garryduff, Ireland. It is similar to the Downpatrick board, but lacks the corner markings.
Hedeby: Two Bone Pieces
A pair of lathe-turned gaming pieces with flat circular bases were found at Hedeby, Germany. They are pierced on the underside, from the lathe-bit.
Hedeby: Two Amber Pieces
Two playing pieces of amber were found at Hedeby, Germany, both with flat circular bases. One has a rounded top, while the other is cylindrical with a tapered top.
Howe: Stone Board
A graffiti stone board was found in excavations at Howe in Scotland.
Ile de Groix: Set of Antler and Walrus Ivory Pieces
Excavations at rare Viking burial on the Ile de Groix in France have revealed a set of twelve pieces, some made of antler and some made of the tusk of a marine mammal, possibly walrus ivory.
Jarlshof: Slate Board
Knockanboy: Wooden Board
The board measured about seven inches square (175mm), not including the handle. The handle and the petal motifs at the corners were the only decorations on the board, the central hole not surviving. The artefact disappeared into a private collection and is now considered lost. Dating is difficult, but because of the style of the handle, the Knockanboy board is thought to be older than the Ballinderry board.
Lund: Single Walrus Ivory Piece
A single piece was found in 1936 at Lund in Sweden. Like a number of other pieces, this is in the form of a seated man holding his long beard, in this case carved from walrus ivory. The figure and the seat on which he is sitting are carved in detail.
Nes: Set(s) of Playing Pieces
Forty-seven pieces and three walrus ivory dice were found at Nes, in Norway. The presence of the dice has prompted suggestions that these were originally three more modest sets of pieces.
Ockelbo: Picture Stone
Oldenburg: Set of Pieces
A variety of materials makes up this apparently complete set found in Oldenburg, Germany. There are thirty-seven pieces in all, twenty-two of walrus ivory and fourteen of whalebone, accompanied by a bronze king.
Roholte: Single Amber Piece
Found at Roholte in Denmark, this piece is a half-length male figure shown holding his beard. The piece dates from the tenth or eleventh centuries.
Sanday: Soapstone Board Fragment
A piece of an old bowl was found on the island of Sanday, in Scotland, in 1998 by the Time Team archaeological television series. The fragment was marked with squares, suggesting the bowl, or part of it, had been used to play a board game: in the Viking context, probably hnefatafl.
Sandnaes: Two Ivory Pieces
These two pieces were found in 1984 at Sandnaes in Greenland. They are conical lathe-turned pieces of walrus ivory, dating from the eleventh century. Other gaming pieces have been found in the Scandinavian settlements across Greenland.
Scalloway: Set of Pieces
These pieces are mentioned by Mark Hall as examples of pre-Viking pieces in Scotland.
Scar: Set of Bone Pieces
In a burial at Scar on the island of Sanday, Scotland, a set of lathe-turned bone pieces was found, apparently buried in a bag which has since rotted away. The set consisted of one large piece topped with an iron pin, eight slightly smaller pieces and another thirteen smaller still. The pieces were spherical with flat bases, and each had a hole in the base, some with evidence of once having held an iron pin, which would have secured the pieces in the holes of a peg-holed gaming board.
Taplow: A Single Horse-tooth Piece
A piece was found at Taplow, England, similar to those at Basingstoke and Faversham, made of a horse's tooth.
Toftanes: Wooden Board Fragment
Half of a tenth century oak gaming board was found in Toftanes, in the Faroe Islands, fashioned from an old serving platter. The board is double sided, one side bearing an unidentified rectangular design and the other a board for hnefatafl. The board has seven rows of fourteen squares remaining. A square that would have been near the centre of the complete board is marked with an orthogonal cross. If the fourteenth column of squares is regarded as a mistake, then the cross-cut square would be in the centre of the board.
Trondheim: Wooden Board Fragment
Assuming the missing section of the board bore the fourth arm of the cross, and that the board was symmetrical, the total size would have been eleven squares by eleven. The reverse of the board bears marking for a game of tables (i.e. backgammon or some mediaeval Scandinavian equivalent). A bordering rim is fixed to the board with dowels.
Another fragment of a wooden board was found at Trondheim, badly burnt, as was a pear-shaped gaming piece of Walrus Ivory.
Underhoull: Board Fragment and Pieces
A fragment of a simple gaming board was found at Underhoull, Unst, Scotland. Counters were found with the gaming board.
Valsgarde: Set of Glass Pieces
At Valsgarde in Sweden was found a set of twenty-three gaming pieces. Fifteen were of translucent green-blue glass with spiral surface patterns in black, while the other eight were plain dark brown glass. The pieces were spherical with flattened bases, measuring 2.3-2.6 cm (0.9-1") in diameter.
Vendel: Three Bone Pieces
In the parish of Vendel in Sweden, a tenth century boat grave was found, containing various goods for buried person's future life. Among the items were three bone gaming pieces.
Warrington: Two Jet Pieces
Two carved pieces of jet where found in Warrington, England, 1852. One is elaborately engraved, and is larger than the other, suggesting that one is a king piece and the other a defender.
Waterford: Peg-holed Board
A fragment of a simple board was found in Waterford, Ireland. It has a raised border and a handle, and has holes for the insertion of pegged playing pieces.
Westness: Pieces
A set of 25 pieces were found at Westness, Rousay, Scotland. Twenty-four are spherical in form, while one is a hollow cylinder.
Whithorn: Stone Board
Woodperry: Single Bone Piece
Salmo: Gaming Pieces
In 2008-2010 a pair of buries boats was excavated in Salme, Estonia. There were dozens of men interred with the two boats, and an absence of the usual grave goods, so this burial is thought to be associated with an ill-fated raid. It dates to about A.D. 750, a little before the Viking Age.
Some goods that were found among the boats were 71 gaming pieces and some dice. The gaming pieces were of traditional hemispherical form as associated with hnefatafl finds. One of the pieces was decorated with an incised figure.
Deerness: Stone Gaming Board and Pieces
In 2011 a stone board, identified as a hnefatafl board, was found at an excavation at the Brough of Deerness in the Orkney islands of Scotland. A grid of lines is etched into the upper surface, forming nine rows of nine squares. The central square appears to be carved out into a cup shape.
With the board were found a number of disc-shaped gaming pieces carved from bone or antler. One of them is carved into the shape of a sword pommel.
Skamby: Amber Gaming Pieces
Bergen: Gaming Boards
Uppsala: Set of Bone Pieces
The Swedish History Museum has a set of 37 hemispherical pieces found at Uppsala. They are of bone, and each has a hole in the bottom. One of the pieces is larger than the rest, presumably the king piece, and is topped with a thin bronze mount.
Can we get some very high-res images of the boards & pieces?
Caleb Rader - 22:23, 13/05/2019
This is a great list but I was wondering if you could provide your sources on tome of these finds? I'm particularly interested in the Baldursheimur setKayna - 22:21, 23/05/2022
The Baldursheimur set is from Iceland you can look up more information on and the National Museum of Iceland.Isabelle - 16:45, 09/02/2023
If the Woodperry bone piece is 10th-12th century it's more likely to be a chess piece, as it looks just like a Rook from that time.Terry - 09:33, 19/11/2023
Can you include an image of the hnefatafl board?John Smith - 22:43, 19/05/2024