Cthulhu Hnefatafl Game Passes 50% Funding
From the Cthulhu vs. The Vikings Kickstarter Page.
Wednesday, 21st August 2013
Funding for the upcoming hnefatafl game-and-magazine project, Cthulhu vs. The Vikings, passed the 50% point seven days into its thirty-day period on the Kickstarter crowd-funding web site - on the birthday of the Cthulhu author H. P. Lovecraft. By this morning the game had almost $5,700 of the $9,500 cost, putting it on course for success by the funding deadline.
Kristan Wheaton, who started the project, is still looking for one of the major characters for the comic story, the evil Angekok, with the role of Jarl already filled with a $500 pledge. Backers also have the opportunity to be portrayed as a Viking or even one of the monsters, for a pledge of $200.
There are a number of other levels that supporters can pledge, starting at just $1 for project updates to $5,000 for the full V.I.P. treatment, with a more modest $25 (plus postage outside North America) getting you the physical game itself. Owners of 3D printers would be interested also in the $15 print-and-play pledge, which gets you the files to print your very own copy.
You can add your support to the project by vising their Kickstarter page at http://kck.st/1a2LfmZ