Hnefatafl: the Game of the Vikings

Sea Battle Tafl Print-and-play

Sea Battle Tafl assembled (mockup).
Sea Battle Tafl assembled (mockup).

Download: sea-battle-print-and-play.pdf
Size 775kb, downloads 3018.

It is 1943. A Japanese aircraft carrier has become detached from its fleet, and is steaming to catch up. Suddenly, out of the clouds, a squadron of U.S. bombers appears! This is a setting for the game of sea battle tafl. The aircraft carrier must escape from the board with the aid of its eight fighters. The sixteen bombers must sink the carrier by surrounding it on all four sides, so that it cannot escape.

This is a colour print-and-play, though the instructions tell how a black and white printer can be used. The game prints onto standard A4 or US Letter sized paper and card, which can be laminated or glued to thicker backing card for durability. The PDF includes a copy of the Sea Battle Tafl leaflet available elsewhere on this site.


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