Hull Hnefatafl Tournament 2017 Leaflet
Download: leaflet-tournament-book.pdf
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This is a leaflet advertising the Hull Hnefatafl Tournament 2017. The front page has the date, time and venue. Inside the leaflet are the rules for Tablut, the form of hnefatafl which will be played at the tournament. The back page has further information on the tournament itself.
Tournament Mailing List
This is the mailing list for news and announcements about the Hull Hnefatafl Tournament 2017 . This tournament will be taking place at the Hull and East Riding Museum on 17th ... (read more & subscribe...).
The leaflet is designed to be printed on two sides of A4 paper, which can then be folded into an A5 leaflet. Please feel free to download, print and distribute this leaflet to anyone who you think might be interested.