New Date for English National Hnefatafl Championship
Image: © Ealdfaeder
Monday, 13th February 2017
This year the English National Hnefatafl Champsionships have moved both date and venue. The first four championships having been held in July or August at Sutton Hoo, the 2017 champsionship will now be held in April, at West Stow Anglo-Saxon Village.
The format for the championship remains very similar. On Saturday 15th April, visitors will be taught to play hnefatafl by umpire Grandmaster Tim Millar. The champsionship itself will be held on Sunday 16th. As this is the Easter bank holiday weekend, there will be a further day of hnefatafl teaching on Monday.
As in previous years, there is no charge to enter the tournament, but the venue charges its own entrance fee. You can read more about the event here.